When A Tooth Problem Calls For Root Canal Treatment

Dental problems can be addressed before you require root canal treatment. In fact, this is one of the reasons patients are advised to keep up with regular dental exams, even at times when they feel their teeth have no problems. At an appointment, your Maple Grove, MN dentist can identify a cavity and provide restorative dental work before a tooth’s condition worsens. Unfortunately, many people will not receive treatment in time to avoid complications. If a tooth’s health worsens because bacteria start to infiltrate its pulp, root canal treatment will be needed. This is an important procedure, as it stops a worsening problem with your dental health before you have to worry about losing your tooth! (more…)

Choosing Your Preferred Approach To Teeth Whitening

You are ready to make your smile whiter, but you may be less certain about what kind of treatment you should consider. Over the counter whitening treatments provide some benefits, but they can be less than effective at removing stubborn stains. Fortunately, you can turn to your Maple Grove, MN dentist for help with discoloration. Our practice provides two different teeth whitening approaches. One gives you a whiter smile after just one appointment, while the other will see you take home a custom whitening kit that you can use on your own time to fight difficult stains. When appropriate, we can also talk to you about alternative cosmetic dental treatments for intrinsic discoloration. (more…)

3 Things You Can Look Forward To At A Dental Exam

What kind of care will you receive at your next routine dental exam? Routine dental appointments provide several benefits, and give you important overall support so that your smile remains healthy. These appointments focus on more than just cavity prevention and detection, though this is certainly important. At our Maple Grove, MN dental office, we provide protection against dental decay as well as gum disease. We also look out for problems like teeth grinding, which can lead to chronic pain and dental damage. Unless you are told otherwise, you should stick to a schedule of dental checkups every six months to keep your smile in good health. (more…)

Should Your Prosthetic Be Supported By A Dental Implant?

How much support can you really expect a dental prosthetic to give you? Will it be easy to keep your restoration in place throughout the day, even as you rely on it when biting and chewing food? Dental implants help people with incomplete smiles gain back more than just confidence in their appearance. They effectively act like artificial roots that can secure a prosthetic appliance. With their support, people who have undergone restorative dental work to replace teeth can bite, chew, smile, and speak with restored comfort and confidence! Our Maple Grove, MN dentist’s office can talk to you about the benefits of including dental implant placement in your plans to regain your full smile. (more…)

Restoring A Tooth After A Cavity Has Formed

After a cavity forms, your tooth will experience permanent damage. The key to preventing this permanent destruction of your enamel is to avoid the onset of dental decay. Unfortunately, many people will have at least one cavity in their lifetime, at which point they will require restorative dental work. At our Maple Grove, MN dental office, we are prepared to take care of a patient’s tooth while minimizing changes to its structure and preserving its appearance. Depending on the size of your cavity, we can place either a dental filling or a dental crown. Both can imitate healthy enamel and avoid unwanted attention. Because of this, you can leave treatment with the confidence that your restored tooth can still fit in with your smile, and that you can safely bite and chew without hurting it. (more…)

Why Am I Grinding And Clenching My Jaw While I Sleep?

If you keep waking up with sore and sensitive teeth, or feelings of stiffness and pain in your jaw, it can be because you are unconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth as you sleep. People who experience this issue, known as bruxism, have to worry about more than just an uncomfortable start to their day, as the friction from grinding and chewing can lead to serious dental damage! Our Maple Grove, MN dental office can help you when bruxism starts to affect your quality of life. We can provide a custom oral guard that you wear while you sleep to keep your teeth separated and safe. We can also recommend oral appliance therapy for those who have jaw pain and stiffness, headaches, and other issues connected to TMJ disorder, an issue that is often connected to bruxism. (more…)

Bring Us Your Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

When you look at your smile in the mirror, or when you study it in pictures, you may see a flaw, or several flaws, that you feel hurts your overall appearance. Even minor problems with the shape, size, and color of teeth can draw unwanted attention and throw off the quality of your smile. You may wish to make certain changes to the way you look, but your lack of information on cosmetic dentistry can make it difficult to really explore your options. At our Elm Creek, MN dentist’s office, patients who are bothered by the way they look can learn about the different procedures we offer. With the right treatment, we can help you see significant improvements that only require as little as one procedure! (more…)

How Scheduled Teeth Cleanings Keep Your Smile In Good Health

Are you doing a good job keeping your smile clean? When you think about your commitment to oral hygiene, you should consider more than just how effective your brushing and flossing routine might be. Good habits are certainly important, but you should also take advantage of the preventive services provided during routine dental exams. At our Maple Grove, MN dentist’s office, we provide consistent teeth cleanings and dental exams to help our patients remain free of problems with tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues. Teeth cleanings play a significant role in protecting your smile because they remove tartar deposits, something that you cannot do one your own. (more…)

What Gum Contouring Does To Improve Your Smile

While many cosmetic dental procedures focus on changing the shape and size of your teeth, a gum contouring treatment has a different focus. For people whose gum tissues look bulky, uneven, or awkward in some other way, this procedure can carefully remove tissues that negatively affect the way you look. Through gum contouring, your Maple Grove, MN dentist can make your teeth appear longer, or do work so that your teeth no longer seem “squat” or uneven. While this can be beneficial on its own, it is also something you can do in addition to another cosmetic procedure in order to make significant changes. (more…)

3 Tips To Help You Keep Your Smile Free Of Cavities

Is your current oral hygiene routine going to keep you completely free of cavities? When tooth decay becomes a problem, it makes treatment from your dentist necessary, as the damage done by a cavity is permanent. To avoid dental decay, you should have a daily routine in place that focuses on both cleaning your smile and limiting your intake of sugar. If you have had problems with tooth decay in the recent past, or if you just want to make sure you remain safe from trouble that requires restorative dental work, a review and an adjustment of your routine can help. (more…)