A Graceful Tooth Replacement

Senior columbia TNOne of the most common dental issues is a failing tooth. Whether this has been lost to trauma or you require a surgical extraction, this can be a stressful situation without the proper guidance and care. Our Maple Grove, MN dental office is proud to focus on positive replacement solutions that can go beyond simple restoration. Keep your smile looking gorgeous and feeling great with a prosthodontic replacement procedure.

There are a few different avenues to the restoration of an area of tooth loss. Dental bridges are a tried-and-true method of prosthodontic repair that spreads stress across the healthy teeth near the location. Partial dentures are a custom solution that can help bring a more creative repair to your smile. In addition, biointegrated dental implants are a technologically advanced solution that can bring new strength to your existing bite. This relies upon a threaded titanium post and is designed to grow closer with your body over time! (more…)

Reliable Methods For A Graceful Smile

Fam Maple Grove MNImproving the appearance of your smile on your own can feel a bit like a shot in the dark. While there are endless over-the-counter options available to help surface-level cosmetic issues, improper use may lead to a lack of smile balance. Without the proper guidance from a trained dental health provider, you may spend time and money focusing too heavily on a concern.

Some at-home cosmetic procedures may actually mask the underlying condition, as well. It is vital within dentistry to address the underlying cause of what holds your appearance back. Covering up bacterial infection or enamel wear can allow for irreparable damage to occur. Prevention is key within oral health, so taking it seriously can mean the difference in a positive outcome and further damage. At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, our priority is to ensure that your smile is working for you. This approach allows for a stronger immune response and a healthier future! (more…)

Protect Your Smile This Winter

Flu Maple Grove MNThis time of year, winter viruses such as the common cold and the flu start to become much more common. We are much more likely to be traveling on account of the holidays, and shopping malls can be a breeding ground for these illnesses. We have had our public knowledge of prevention expanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this season appears to be particularly nasty, and we need to stay on guard with our hygiene maintenance.

People might not recognize how important your immune health is in keeping your smile looking and feeling fantastic. But we are constantly fighting against the risk of bacterial infection through the largest opening into our body. It is vital to take special precautions with your oral health when taken out by one of our common winter viruses. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist outlines some helpful ways to stay on top of your smile maintenance while sick! (more…)

Tooth Loss Doesn’t Have To Set You Back

Senior Maple Grove MNIf you are looking at the prospect of a tooth extraction surgery, you might feel a little down about the idea. After all, losing an adult tooth is rarely a positive sign for our health. But this can often be a necessary step in the progression of your health, and save you from the concern of dangerous bacterial growth.

Our options today at helping you restore your smile to full functionality and appearance are stronger than ever, and built to improve over time. With some methods of traditional reconstructive maneuvers, daily wear can instantly put a clock on the durability of a prosthetic. But with the use of a threaded titanium post, the procedure actually becomes stronger with age. Due to a process known as osseointergration, our immune system protects this metal as if it were part of our own body! Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist writes about some of the ways a dental implant procedure may help you get back on top of your oral health goals! (more…)

What’s Causing Your Cold Sensitivity?

Cold Maple Grove MNOften, a sudden burst of cold weather will let you know that your sensitivity issue needs addressing. If you find yourself wincing every time you breathe in the winter air, then it might be time to see a trained oral health professional.

Many different issues can lead to dental sensitivity, so it is important to identify where the concern is coming from. A common source of these sensations is the wear and damage to the strong surface of our teeth, known as the enamel. This alone can be caused by many activities, from grinding to overuse of harsh whitening procedures. Infection within the structure can also lead to immense pain that should be treated immediately. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist outlines the need for information in fighting your tooth sensitivity issues! (more…)

Enhance Your Natural Smile

Curly Maple Grove MNOne of the largest things that dentists stress is maintenance. The best method of keeping a healthy mouth comes through prevention, and making oral health a daily concern. Twice-daily brushing is key in a home oral hygiene routine, as well as thoroughly flossing every day.

While that is of course incredibly important, there are some areas where you may be looking for an improvement over your biological smile. There are an endless amount of ways that patients seek cosmetic advancement. These include misshapen or damaged teeth, that may have chips or cracks. Or perhaps your alignment is not quite where you would like it to be, and you also would like to repair some repair that has come from wear. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist shows you how a porcelain veneer surgical procedure may be a great way to take your smile to the next level. Enhance your enamel while allowing as much of your natural material to remain healthy where they are! (more…)

Your Prosthodontic Possibilities

Lines Maple Grove MNLosing a tooth is an uncomfortable concept for most people. Losing a vital functioning piece of your body is a form of trauma, both physical and emotional. But it is important to remember that sometimes, extractions are necessary to maintain a healthy mouth.

Most likely, you hadn’t been able to properly use that area of your mouth for some time. And there may have been considerable pain, depending on the reason for your oral surgery. And there may be a suitable solution for you in no time at all!

There are a few different methods that are commonly used to replace missing dental structures. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist explains how some of them might be a great fit for your smile. And remember, one of the strongest tools you have in maintaining a healthy mouth through your life is open communication with a trusted dental health professional. It can make all the difference! (more…)

Early Treatment For Receding Gums

Coffee Maple Grove MNThere are multiple reasons as to why your gum tissue will begin to pull back from its proper connection to your tooth. This can include improper brushing techniques, or as a result of infection and inflammation of this material. This is a very common condition, with a little under half of all adults over the age of thirty in the United States reporting some level of this.

But our gums provide a valuable barrier between the outside world and our circulatory system. When they pull back, they can expose the roots of your teeth, leaving these structures susceptible to infection themselves. So if you have noticed a change in the location of your gumline, now is the time to act. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist writes about some ways to stave off further development of peridontal disease. And if surgery is the best solution for you, why this decision is simple, yet can save you hours in future headaches! (more…)

Safe, Effective Whitening Is Simple

Whitening Maple Grove MN

Many people have concerns with the quality of their smile’s coloration. With our constant use of our teeth, it is understandable that they may develop stains or marks. After all, we only get one adult set, and as soon as they emerge, they start taking damage. Unfortunately, we are also still very young when these important structures arrive. We lack the foresight we attain through more years of age.

So it is very common to want to spruce up your smile through teeth whitening. We keep your oral health at the front of our concerns, so our procedures focus on avoiding dentin sensitivity while safely lifting unwanted coloration from your enamel. This may be a perfect fit for someone looking for a quick refresh before any event where there might be photographs. Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist explains how safely removing years of stains can make your smile absolutely glisten! (more…)

Protecting Your Child’s Teeth

Baby Maple Grove MNYoung parents are often overworked and underrested. There are so many different concerns through pregnancy, and it only increases whenever the baby arrives. These parents may believe that their child’s oral health is something they can be a little relaxed a bit about.

After all, how can there be problems with teeth even before their adult set begins to grow? What about before they have grown even a single one? The development of these young smiles actually have a lot to do with how successfully they will grow into the future! Today, your Maple Grove, MN dentist explains how to avoid baby bottle tooth decay, and why that is important for the rest of their lives. (more…)