Funny Sensations Quiz

Most of the time, you’ll probably make it through your day like any other day, with a smile that feels “normal.” However, there may be the occasional break from the expected when a funny sensation takes hold! It might be while you’re eating something. It may be out of nowhere. It might even be something that’s been creeping up on you. To help you sort through this oral health dilemma (and decide if you need a dental visit), we offer a fun quiz.


Do You Have Dry Mouth?

When you learn about dry mouth, you will quickly discover that the symptoms and definition are actually described in the simple name of the disorder. Your mouth will feel dry. Your lips may dry out and crack. The cause? Insufficient saliva. “What’s the big deal?” you might think to yourself. “It’s just a little dryness.” While a temporary parched sensation that you can relieve with a glass of water is no huge concern, an issue that is ongoing can become quite dangerous for your oral health. Learn more.


3 Things Causing Your Acid Erosion

Are you someone who is suffering from acid erosion? If you’re not sure what this is, we can break it down quite simply for you: When your teeth are exposed to acids, the enamel (outer layer of your teeth) are worn down over time. As the enamel is weakened, the strength and health of your teeth are in danger. By becoming more familiar with causes and coming in for dental care, you can protect your oral health and avoid complications.


Why A Dental Bridge Is Good For You

There are a couple things going on here. When we talk about why a dental bridge is good for you, we are first referring to the benefits of a bridge independent of your particular needs. Then, we’re referring to the way a bridge addresses your unique tooth replacement requirements and preferences. Let’s cover some very helpful details, so navigating this experience becomes easier.


2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Play Dentist

Of course, when you’re not a big fan of dental visits, if you struggle with any type of dental anxiety, if you worry about budget, or if you’re just incredibly busy, the idea of taking your dental care into your own hands can sound very attractive. Unfortunately, there’s quite a fine line that exists between the things you can do for your own smile at home and the care you need to receive from a professional. Blur that line a bit too much and you may end up with unintended problems! Consider a couple compelling reasons to schedule your visit with us instead.


FAQs: All About Calcium And Your Oral Health

You might think that your brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and your flossing is going to get you by. However, even after you add necessary dental checkups and cleanings to that list, there’s more to consider. You need to avoid foods and drinks that can damage your smile, as well as bad habits. Then, one day, someone mentions calcium and your oral health. “What?!” you may exclaim, “I have to think about calcium, too?” Fortunately, if you’re eating a balanced diet, you’re likely on track. However, we’re answering some FAQs just in case you’re not.


Why You Need A Crown That Fits

Have you been complaining ever since the day you received a dental crown at a different practice? What’s the problem? If you just feel like the crown doesn’t blend well with the rest of your smile because something feels “off,” then you might discover it doesn’t fit correctly. While this might seem like a minor annoyance, it can actually lead to some serious consequences! Avoid any complications by coming in for a visit for a checkup and to talk through your options. By replacing the crown, you’ll be offering your oral health some significant protection! Let us explain why.


Oral Cancer Screenings: Your Questions

When you find yourself wondering about oral cancer screenings, you might find that you assume you have been checked for this dangerous disease but that you’re not entirely sure if that’s the case. You might not really know what to do to receive a screening or why doing so is even necessary. To put these questions and concerns to rest, we have gathered up questions (and answers) that will provide you with the information you’re hoping to find.


Cosmetic Care: The Things You Really Want To Know

When you start poking around into the world of cosmetic care, you will quickly discover that it’s quite vast. There’s a lot to consider, of course, when you’re thinking of electing to make your smile look all the lovelier. For instance, you will need to figure out for which treatments you qualify, how much they cost, which treatment you actually need, the details of those treatments, and more. Rather than making yourself dizzy with the details, we suggest starting simply with some stuff you really want to know.
