Tips To Lower Your Risk Of Oral Cancer

Did you know that it’s estimated that around 49,750 people will be diagnosed with mouth, throat, tonsil, or tongue cancer this year? That means the odds of you or someone you know developing oral cancer are uncomfortably high. Don’t risk becoming a statistic. Don’t give oral cancer a chance. You can lower your risk of developing oral cancer by cutting certain bad habits out of your life along with regular visits to your dentist. Your dentist performs an oral cancer screening during each checkup and cleaning, allowing you and your dentist to spot it early. (more…)

Dental Care: How To Organize And Categorize The Details

You might be able to form your own organizational system and your own categories that work best for you as you’re making an effort to streamline your dental care. While each person works best with his or her own system, we would love to get you started with a simple way to approach everything you need to focus on for your smile. Instead of feeling like you’ve got a million things going on at once, setting up some categories and checking off the details as you go will help quite a lot.


Quiz: How Are Your Dental Hygiene Product Selections?

It’s often difficult to know how you’re doing with your oral health, particularly if you’re trying to make choices all on your own. When it comes to your dental hygiene selections, for instance, you may hope for the best but still wonder if you could be making different choices that would better benefit your smile. To ensure you’re on track and that the products in your bathroom are A-OK, you may want to breeze through our quiz.


3 Reasons To Say No Way To Tobacco

How many reasons can you come up with to say no to tobacco? If you were to ask us this same question, we could certainly rattle off quite a lengthy collection of responses. However, for the sake of brevity and helping you remain informed on the important details associated with your oral health, we would like to share three significant reasons you should steer clear of smoking and the like.


A Quiz: Sleep Apnea Basics

Are you new to the diagnosis of sleep apnea? Perhaps you have just heard about this sleep disorder and have begun wondering if it might explain some of the up-until-now inexplicable things that have been going on with you lately. Whatever the case, by becoming familiar with the basics, you will see that if you’re someone who needs sleep apnea treatment, you need to come into our practice sooner than later. Not sure about all this? Get started with our quiz!


Can’t Stand Flossing? Remember These 3 Things!

If you think you’re alone in your feelings about flossing, think again. We hear from many patients who tell us that they can’t stand the need to floss, which is why they simply skip it altogether. While we understand the decision to avoid something you find absolutely awful, we offer you some words of encouragement: Consider a few things that you should remember on a consistent basis and you just might develop a much better relationship with this (very important) part of the dental hygiene you should practice every day.


Tooth Loss: 3 Things To Keep In Mind

When the topic of tooth loss comes up, do you know much about it? Are you certain about whether it’s something you can avoid, if it should concern you if it occurs, or what you can do if you are missing one or multiple teeth? If not, becoming more knowledgeable can actually help you protect your oral health for many years to come. We’d love for you to keep a few things in mind regarding your complete smile, so you don’t have to worry about that grin of yours remaining safe and lovely.


Can I Brush Away Discoloration?

4When you take a look in the mirror one morning and you don’t think, “Wow, what a pretty smile!” but instead think, “Goodness, my smile looks awfully yellow!” you might assume you need to brush harder. You might think it’s time to brush more frequently. However, what you might not realize is that what you really need is teeth whitening. Learn more to avoid frustration and wasted time!


2 Reasons You Should Align Your Smile

You might think that choosing Invisalign treatment is something you do only if you don’t like the way that your smile looks. It’s true that signing up for orthodontic care will certainly lead you toward a straight smile that you can feel proud to look at in the mirror and show off to the rest of the world. However, making this decision is also very beneficial in other ways. Not sure you can come up with any advantages right off the bat? We can help!
