Laser Dentistry: The Future Is Here

You deserve the best care possible when you visit your dentist. So, how can you be sure that’s what you’re getting? Dentists provide great care with their personality, care environment, and by using the latest technology. When you visit a dentist that embraces modern practices, you’ll experience less pain and more precision. That’s exactly what laser dentistry provides. If you’re not familiar with dental lasers, they seem like a futuristic technology. The future is here. Dental lasers can now be used for any number of treatment methods — from restorations to whitening to treating gum disease. Does your dentist use the latest available technology to provide you with the best care possible? (more…)

A Dental Crown Is the Right Fit

While we all aspire to perfect dental health, we slip up from time to time. It can be easy to miss brushing your teeth here or there, or to stop flossing. However, when those mishaps turn into bad habits, suddenly, you’ve put your teeth at risk. Even with proper home care, if you don’t see your dentist regularly, you can develop problems. When tooth decay is left unchecked, you’re going to wind up with a cavity. If you have the cavity treated in time, you may only need a filling. But what happens when the tooth decay is severe enough to weaken the structural integrity of your tooth? Then you need a dental crown. This customized restoration can fortify your tooth and protect it from future harm. Here’s how dental crowns create the right fit. (more…)

Dental Implants for the Win

Facing setbacks often creates a true test of character. When you encounter hardship, do you wallow in despair, or do you find a way to persevere? Losing your adult teeth can feel like a major setback. Your teeth allow you to chew food and feel comfortable with your smile. When you lose a tooth — or multiple teeth — to tooth decay or an accident, you may not know what to do. You may feel sad and upset initially, but you have the power to make things better. Modern dental restorations make it possible for you to recover from tooth loss. Dental implants are the premiere solution for tooth loss. Implants provide the structural support, functionality, and appearance of your original teeth. Here’s how dental implants could be helping you. (more…)

Cosmetic Dentistry Is Your Mouth Makeover

Who doesn’t love a makeover? When you feel like your look could use a little refresher, a makeover gives your aesthetic and your confidence a little lift. What if you could capture the feeling that a makeover provides and enjoy that feeling full time? Well you can, with cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is the practice of improving the appearance of your smile through various treatments. There are a variety of treatment options that can fix everything from misalignment to misshapenness to discoloration. If your smile could use a little help looking its very best, now’s the time to discover the power that a cosmetic makeover could have on your mouth. (more…)

Exploring and Treating Dental Anxiety

Anxiety is a common condition for many Americans. As mental health issues become less stigmatized, there is a greater general awareness of issues like anxiety, and there are better ways to treat it. Anxiety commonly surfaces at the dentist’s office. Even if you don’t have chronic anxiety that you face daily, certain situations can cause it to activate. Whether you had poor experiences as a child, or you’re worried about the state of your teeth, having dental anxiety is common. Luckily, modern dentistry presents plenty of solutions. Sedation dentistry provides patients who experience anxiety with a way to successfully schedule appointments and receive the treatment they need. Let’s explore the causes and treatment of dental anxiety. (more…)

Get Back to Smiling with a Bridge

When you lose a tooth as an adult, the last thing you want to do is smile. For one, you’re probably anxious about the missing tooth and how it affects the appearance of your smile. Secondly, you’re bound to be frustrated and upset. Normally, you only receive one set of natural, adult teeth, so losing one can seem like a permanent setback. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. A dental bridge can effectively replace a missing tooth or a series of missing teeth. This restorative prosthetic is fairly common, and can allow you to feel good about the appearance of your smile, as well as your ability to rely on your teeth. Here’s how you can get back to smiling with a dental bridge. (more…)

Getting Straight Teeth Can Be Easy

What you holds you back from taking the next step in feeling good about the way you look? You may be hesitant to undertake a cosmetic dental treatment because you’re worried about the timeline and the process itself. No one wants to upend their life in the short term for a future payoff. Luckily, modern dentistry affords you opportunities without the sacrifice. Everyone wants a straight, even smile, but the idea of braces can be a real turnoff. Invisible aligners provide you with the teeth-aligning effect, without the obtrusive look and feel of traditional braces. Getting straight teeth can be easy, you just need the right treatment. (more…)

Get Screened for Oral Cancer During Checkups

You may not realize how much value regular dental checkups have. In fact, if you’re taking care of your teeth at home and attending biannual exams and cleanings, you may be avoiding all major oral health issues. However, don’t think that this positive situation makes dentist visits expendable. It’s only be regularly receiving preventive care that you can continue to preserve your dental health. Your dental visit provides a chance for your hygienist to thoroughly clean your teeth and remove any plaque buildup in tricky places. It also gives your dentist the chance to examine any potential problem areas and screen for conditions like oral cancer. When you make a commitment to the health of your teeth and mouth, you’ll experience the benefits throughout life. (more…)

A Dental Implant Can Turn Your Life Around

You don’t have to let tooth loss slow you down. It can be easy to get hung up on the negatives after suffering tooth loss. When you lose a tooth as an adult, you’ll never have that original tooth back. You may think that means hiding your smile from the world and avoiding your favorite crunchy foods. However, it doesn’t have to. A dental implant can turn your life around after suffering tooth loss. This effective, long-term replacement can give you back the structure, function, and appearance of your original tooth. If you’re unfamiliar with dental implants and you’ve suffered adult tooth loss, now’s the time to learn more. (more…)

Tooth Repair with a Composite Filling

Repairs and renovations on your home are important steps you can take to beef up a damaged area, and give yourself peace of mind about the long-term safety and quality of your home. The same goes for restorative care for your teeth. Tooth repair, via a filling, crown, or prosthetic, fortifies susceptible teeth and gives you some assurance that you’ll be able to count on your teeth in the future. If one or more of your teeth have suffered from decay and cavities, you want to get them back to their best as soon as possible. A composite filling may be just the right solution for this scenario. So, how does a composite filling provide tooth repair you can trust? (more…)