Discover Your Whitening Options

Pink Man Maple Grove MNWhen your smile is not at the level that you would like, it can impact multiple areas of your life. You rely upon your appearance to make a positive first impression on the new people that you meet, and if you are not putting your best self forward, you could have a hard time in both your social and professional lives. Thankfully, you have options in the enhancement of your smile.

For the speedy removal of your stains, reach out to Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN about your condition. We can help you to find a course of treatment that suits your needs, while keeping your health in mind. This way, you can feel comfortable in knowing that you have the training and expertise of a qualified dental professional while enhancing your appearance. Schedule your consultation and learn about all of your cosmetic options! (more…)

Be Their Dental Role Model!

Family Kid Happy Maple Grove MNAt any age, your trips to the dental office are vital for the lasting maintenance of your smile. For children, these appointments take on an added significance, as their mouths are rapidly developing. Their smiles may encounter problems in their growth, so keeping a consistent schedule of appointments is beneficial in reaching diagnoses quickly. This way, you and your dentist can work on a solution before serious harm starts to occur.

At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we are here for the needs of both you and your child. Schedule your appointment alongside your child’s trip to the dentist, and discover the advantages of being a positive role model in their health journey. This approach gives you the power to show your little one that oral health maintenance is an important step in their development, while you continue to be a guiding hand. Shared experience can help them to understand the role that the dentist plays in their life! (more…)

Reliable Treatment For Tooth Decay

Woman smiling in mustard topDo you attend dental visits for cleaning and examination regularly? If you have waited longer than six months since your last visit, it is time to make an appointment to prevent and treat possible decay. When you skip your visits, food debris and oral bacteria can build plaque that wears the surface of your teeth. The routine removal of plaque allows us to prevent the formation of cavities in your enamel. When this protective barrier breaks, it exposes the insides to infection and further damage to your tooth.

To prevent plaque from causing decay, pursue rigorous oral hygiene habits and visit our office twice per year. At your Maple Grove, MN dentist’s office, we can help you restore a tooth that receives a cavity. Remember that the earlier we detect decay, the more conservative treatment we can apply, so do not skip any examinations! (more…)

Finding Your Way Back To The Dentist

Pink look Maple Grove MNIf it has been a while since you last saw the dentist, it might be helpful for you to know that you are not alone. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, over a third of us skipped their visits to the office in the year prior. Since then, some people have chosen not to return, either due to access or anxiety. It is important to develop trust with your provider, so reach out to a helping hand to rediscover your dedication to your oral health.

At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we are here for your journey back into the office. Stop in for a routine cleaning and examination to take stock of your current needs and make a plan to keep your dentistry in mind as you go forward. Talk to us about all of your goals, so that we can work toward a brighter smile future! (more…)

Steps For Gorgeous Dental Health

Sweater Maple Grove MNEven in a perfectly healthy mouth, there may be issues with your appearance that you would like to change. Your cosmetic problem could even be contributing to further damage. The alignment of your smile can create areas that are difficult for you to properly clean on your own. Even with dedicated appointments with your dentist, plaque and tartar can accumulate in locations where you experience crowding or overlapping. The buildup of these substances leads to tooth decay, and you might not even be aware that it is happening.

Speak with a qualified professional at Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN about your specific oral health needs. For the treatment of malocclusion and misalignment, clear aligner technology brings a new form of orthodontic improvement. Available from multiple providers, this approach has distinct advantages over traditional means of alignment correction. Skip the over-the-counter whitening products, as well, with a professional solution aimed at lifting the accumulation of stains! (more…)

You Have Options For Tooth Replacement

Wanda Maple Grove MNThe extraction of a tooth is sometimes necessary for the lasting vitality of your oral health. While the goal typically is to keep your natural teeth in place, they may pose risks for the future of your smile. If this is the case, it may be better to remove this structure in order to preserve your lasting dental wellbeing. It is important to remember that you have options in your prosthodontic repair after your extraction procedure.

At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we give you options in the replacement of one or more of your natural teeth. A dental bridge is a form of prosthetic that relies upon support from the teeth on either side of your gap. Another form of repair is a dental implant, which derives its stability from a titanium post. Your bone matter within your jaw grows snugly around this post, giving you a foundation for an elegant custom new tooth. Take care of your particular smile needs with prosthodontic repair to restore your bite function and stay beautiful! (more…)

Safeguard Yourself From Wisdom Teeth

Glasses Maple Grove MNAs you grow through adolescence and into adulthood, one last set of molars develops in the back of your jaw. These teeth are evolutionary holdovers from a time when human mouths were much larger and stronger. Since we did not cook our meat at the time, early man needed more chewing power than we do now. Currently, wisdom teeth often pose problems to orthodontics and even into general dentistry.

This means that during your teens and early adult years, scheduling consistent visits for imagery is highly important. Radiography like x-rays can give you and your trained dental health professional the proper information before these molars can cause lasting damage. Wisdom teeth can push the existing structures forward and cause crowding and areas where they overlap. Stick to a regimen of visits every six months to determine if an extraction is necessary. At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we know that preventive care can save time and effort in the long run. Track the growth of your last set of molars and give yourself more flexibility and freedom! (more…)

Breathe Freely During Sleep

Sleep Maple Grove MNSleep disorders are a common prevalence for American slumberers. Two of the five most diagnosed of these link directly to the wellness of the throat and the mouth. Bruxism is the overnight grinding of the teeth, which can lead to major issues with the enamel and alignment. Apnea is a condition in which the airway becomes blocked by your own throat.

A nightly worn mouthguard could help you to experience a full night of sleep. You might have years of rest issues that have built up. Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN proudly specializes in the treatment of these conditions. Relieve your stress and sleep well!


A New Prosthetic Tooth In The New Year

Snow Maple Grove MNFrom time to time, we may require the removal of one or more of our teeth. When your existing natural dental material becomes a liability, it can be helpful to extract that damaged or diseased part of your smile. This process can help you to remove painful situations where the tooth is failing. An extraction, either surgical or simple, can also help to stop the progression of serious infection. If bacterial growth continues into the jaw, then it can pose serious health risks to your overall wellbeing. This can lead to a lack of bone at the location and sometimes worse! When these microorganisms enter the bloodstream, it can create a potentially life-threatening situation.

You may be looking at your options for the replacement of the material that your dentist or oral surgeon removed. There are a few different methods of prosthodontic repair and some are more suited for specific instances than others. At your consultation with Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we can discuss your options in replacing your tooth with a sturdy and functional solution. Whether it be an implant, a dental bridge, or a partial denture, a strong new bite is just over the horizon! (more…)

The Gift Of Great Oral Health

NYE Maple Grove MNAs this year comes to a close, it is that time when we take stock of the good and the bad. The start of January allows us also to take what we have learned and make a positive change for our lives. Resolutions can be a fantastic way to improve your life with a measured approach. It is important to set achievable yet bold goals in the ways you look to advance over the next year.

Our oral health can be a great way to use the new year as a springboard. If it has been a while since the last time you have seen a dentist, you are certainly not alone. Patients can let this become a barrier in and of itself. Do not become discouraged and overwhelmed at the prospect of a routine checkup and cleaning. These examinations can help you to avoid future harm, so waiting can allow your concerns to progress. Schedule an appointment at Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN today and plant your first step in your oral health path! (more…)