Has the thought crossed your mind that trying an electric toothbrush might be a good choice for you but you’re worried you might be falling victim to advertising or a desire for fancy objects? Fortunately, you’re actually onto something! Relying on a brush other than a manual toothbrush is often a good choice for smile. To ensure you’re making wise choices for your oral health, we are happy to help you navigate this new and exciting option.
Recognizing National Dental Hygiene Month
Did you know that there’s more to recognize this month than the promise of candy on Halloween night? Indeed, October is known for many things, including National Dental Hygiene Month. As a result, we think this is a perfect opportunity to get back to basics and to ensure you feel good about the way you’re caring for your smile with dental hygiene when you’re away from our dental practice. Don’t worry, you’ll find that reviewing your habits is extremely helpful!
Sleep Apnea: Check In On Your Sleep
Have you never ever heard of sleep apnea? If so, then you have no idea that your lack of energy throughout the day may mean you require sleep apnea treatment. Let’s back up here: The sleep disorder we are discussing is a problem that causes your throat muscles to over relax, followed by the collapse of your throat tissues. The throat obstruction stops you from breathing until your brain notices the problem and nudges you awake, leaving you “choking” (in an effort to begin breathing). Unfortunately, if this is happening to you, the chance of remembering the episode is slim. The good news? We can help you diagnose it and treat it. Learn more!
5 Ways To Avoid Decay
Do you have some strong feelings about decay? Do you experience these feelings because you know that tooth decay is something you can easily avoid if only you make the most of your opportunity for practicing preventive care? Good news: You’re onto something! As long as you’re updated on the basics, keeping cavities from forming is quite straightforward. Let us help you with some simple guidelines.
Scared Of Care? You Can Get Over It!
When you’re scared of dental care, it can put a serious damper on your ability to keep your smile as clean and healthy as you would like. Unfortunately, you may find yourself avoiding doing something about your oral health for an even longer period of time if you’re feeling at all guilty about your absence from checkups and cleanings. The good news is that we are here to tell you that you can toss all of that emotional stuff that makes you feel bad out the window. Instead, we suggest you look forward toward a new start. Take our suggestions to heart.
Q&A: Is Your Home Ready For Guests?
Have you been spending time wondering about the smiles and oral health of your overnight guests? Perhaps you rarely even have overnight visitors but you are curious about whether or not you should have dental hygiene products ready just in case. The quick answer is: It’s always a good idea! As for the details, gather some specifics with our Q&A session.
Invisalign Treatment: Exploring The Option
Maybe you are sitting at home, staring at your smile in the mirror, wondering if you make a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. Perhaps you’re curious if your misalignment concerns are either too severe or way too mild for this clear aligner tray system (which makes you feel nervous about contacting our practice). What if you come in to speak with us about it but it turns out you don’t really qualify, you may think to yourself? Keep something very important in mind: You’re not supposed to have advanced dental knowledge … but we’ve got it! For answers, come on in. Regardless of your needs, we will steer you in the correct direction.
3 Suggestions For Toothpaste
Surprise! You might not have given a lot of consideration to your use of toothpaste but we are here to tell you that you may want to change your outlook! While it can seem unlikely to make mistakes when it comes to this dental hygiene product, it’s not impossible. Consider a few helpful suggestions for experiencing your best brushing sessions, so you know your smile is clean, healthy, and free of plaque.
Dental Bonding Quiz: True Or False?
How much do you think you have figured out regarding the cosmetic treatment dental bonding? Have you asked us your questions in person, gathering up an impressive amount of information? Perhaps you have been doing some research on your own time to find out just what you can expect from bonding. Fortunately, we are happy to help you determine whether it’s a great treatment for you (just schedule an appointment). At the moment, you may be interested in seeing whether you need to create another list of questions for us or if you have nearly mastered the topic! See where you stand by taking our quiz.
Gingivitis: Quiz Yourself
It’s not a surprising moment when we speak with a patient who knows a lot about tooth decay and all things cavity-related but who knows next to nothing about gingivitis. Do you know much about gum disease? Even if you don’t feel very educated yet, don’t worry, it’s something that we can quickly tell you all about! For now, let’s gather a general reading on how much you do know. Quiz yourself!