Happy Holidays And A Few Reminders

happyholidaysrusticHooray! You’ve made it through the chilly weather and all of the hustle and bustle that comes with readying yourself for the excitement of the holidays. Lo and behold, they are just about to make their final arrival. For your upcoming weekend, you get a nice big “Happy Holidays!” from all of us and we hope you have a wonderful time. Now, about those dental care reminders

Remember To Schedule Your Next Visit

Do you hear yourself thinking, “Here comes 2017” every time the lyrics to, “Here Comes Santa Claus” are within earshot? If so, remember that planning for the New Year should include a dental visit or two. We love seeing you twice a year for your dental checkups and visits, so we can help keep your smile as healthy as possible. Schedule your next visit the moment you have a chance to call!

Have Downtime? Check Out Our Website

Of course, if you find yourself with some downtime this holiday weekend and you can’t think of a single thing to do (and you’re just not in the mood for Netflix, etc.), take a look at our website! If you’ve been thinking about gifting yourself a teeth whitening treatment, you want to learn more about dental implants, (and the list of possibilities goes on and on), our website offers a wealth of information about the dental care you can take advantage of.

Write Down Your Questions

If you have questions that come up over the holidays, don’t be shy: Write them down, so you can bring them to us during your next dental visit. Whether you’re wondering if a certain holiday favorite is safe for your smile, you think you chipped a tooth, or otherwise, we are always happy to help with compassionate dental care.