Okay, so maybe you haven’t quite kept up on your brushing routine like you meant to. Maybe you don’t floss as often as you should. Of course genetics play a role as well. In any case, you’ve wound up with a cavity, and you need a fix. Acting at the first sign of trouble can help prevent further decay and pain, so it’s important to get your cavity taken care of right away. In most cases, this means you need a filling. With advances in modern dentistry, the process of getting a tooth filled has never been easier. Plus, you’ve got tons of options when it comes to the material for your filling. How do you make sure you choose the right filling for your tooth? (more…)
What a Dental Crown Can Do for Your Smile
Are you exasperated by looking in the mirror, and yet again, noticing a damaged or missing tooth? One imperfection in your mouth can throw off your entire smile. When you don’t feel confident about your smile, it’s hard to project confidence in both personal and professional settings. What can you do to combat these negative feelings? Luckily, there are a number of excellent restorative dental treatments that can help repair damaged or missing teeth. Bad dental care habits in the past don’t have to mean a bleak future. Find out what treatments like a dental crown can do for your smile. (more…)
Laser Dentistry Changes the Game
Lasers are a fixture of science fiction stories and media, making them seem like some sort of distant, future technology. However, lasers have all kinds of contemporary applications, some of which you may not expect. Take dentistry, for example. Did you know that laser dentistry is available across the country? Using lasers for dental procedures isn’t about having a fancy new toy, there are actually a number of benefits for dentists and patients alike. The precision offered by laser instruments actually makes a number of dental treatments safer and easier. You don’t have to wait for the future to experience the benefits of this incredible technology. Laser dentistry is changing the game right now. (more…)
Are You Ready for Trick-or-Treating?
Halloween is nearly here! The weather has turned chilly, decorations are up in front yards across the neighborhood, and pretty soon, costumed kiddies will be running rampant on the hunt for candy. There’s plenty to prepare for when it comes to Halloween, and trick-or-treating is a big part of the experience. Are you ready for trick-or-treating? The checklist is longer than expected. You may have candy for your impending guests, and you may have a neighborhood route worked out for your little one, but are you ready for everything that comes after trick-or-treating? Once your children bring home their spoils, all that candy will have to go somewhere. If your kids end up eating an excess of sugary snacks, you’ll want to make sure their teeth don’t suffer. (more…)
Fountain of Youth Dentures Preserve Your Smile
Tooth loss is a common issue among many adults. With age, time, and unfortunately, neglect, you may end up losing your teeth. Tooth loss is damaging in both functional and aesthetic ways. Obviously fewer teeth makes it more difficult to chew food, and this can cause you to place stress on different parts of your mouth and jaw. Further, you may experience a decrease in confidence, knowing that your smile isn’t quite complete. Dentures are a great option for replacing missing teeth and restoring both your ability to eat and your self esteem. There are great options for dentures, thanks to modern dental advancements. Fountain of Youth Dentures, and their special design, preserve your smile. (more…)
Restorative Dentistry Gives Life to Your Teeth
If you’ve neglected your oral health care for some time, you’re not alone. Plenty of people slack on their regular dentist visits and don’t quite take optimal care of their teeth. It can be embarrassing to admit you’ve fallen behind. It can also be intimidating to check in with the dentist if you think you’ll be getting bad news. If you do find that you have cavities or caries, you may feel guilty or self-conscious. While using preventative practices is ideal, tooth decay and damage doesn’t have to be the end of your mouth. Restorative treatment options are here to give life to your worn-down teeth. (more…)
How Do Veneers Transform A Smile?

In our previous blog, we took a look at teeth whitening and how our professional system can remove discoloration. In today’s blog, we want to examine another cosmetic treatment, but one that can address a variety of common esthetic complaints. How do veneers transform a smile?
Enjoy the Benefits of Professional Teeth-Whitening
Your smile’s appearance can have a strong impact on your self-confidence. Unfortunately, taking excellent care of your smile may not always be able to keep its appearance blemish free. For instance, teeth stains can appear even when your teeth are in optimal health. While the stains may not indicate a serious dental issue, they can have a significant impact on your self-confidence. If your teeth have become stained, then speak with your dentist about enjoying the benefits of professional teeth-whitening, either from the comfort of home or during a quick and convenient visit to our office. (more…)
How Do I Qualify for Dental Implants?
Patients who have suffered from tooth loss have more to worry about than just the appearance of their smiles. Losing the root of a tooth can also have a drastic impact on the integrity of your jawbone and the long-term state of your oral health. Because of its importance, replacing a lost tooth root is vital to replacing your lost tooth, and only a dental implant has the ability to do so. While most patients qualify for dental implant placement, there are a few things that could hold you back from receiving an implant-supported prosthetic right away. (more…)
A Good Reason Not to Ignore Snoring
If you snore every once in a while, then it may not seem like any cause for alarm, so you might not focus much on learning why or how to stop. However, for some patients, the condition is more than it seems, and can indicate a disorder known as sleep apnea that can have significant consequences for your overall health. Snoring is the most common symptom of sleep apnea, and when ignored, it could pave the way for increased risks of chronic health issues in the future. (more…)