Bonding & Contouring: A Simple Way To Improve Your Smile

Maple Grove, MN dentist offers cosmetic bonding services

Having discoloration or imperfections on your teeth can make your smile appear uneven. While these problems may not necessarily harm your oral health, they have the potential to make you feel self-conscious. To help boost your appearance and confidence, Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, offers cosmetic bonding and contouring as a conservative approach to esthetic dentistry.


Spring Into A Bright Smile!

bright smile maple grove mnAre you looking for a bright smile in 2024? If you have started to notice that your smile is not as beautiful as it once was, it could be a sign of extrinsic enamel stains. These stains can be seriously difficult to remove on your own, and while there are more over-the-counter options than ever before, it is important to talk with your dentist before you attempt to make any changes on your own.

At our dental office in Maple Grove, MN, our team is here to help you to look your best with a gorgeous smile. Stubborn enamel stains can hold you back, and starting your journey with a trusted dentist can help you to understand both the causes of your condition and ways to improve the appearance of your teeth. To find out more about your options in cosmetic teeth whitening, give us a call and schedule your appointment with our team! (more…)

Are You Worried About A Tooth Extraction?

Invasive dental procedures, such as removals, may cause worry for some patients. In most cases, removing one of your pearly whites is only recommended if it has been severely harmed or has the potential to harm the surrounding structures. If this is deemed necessary, your Elm Creek Dental team can help guide you through the process. This procedure may be done if your smile has become overcrowded or when a wisdom tooth begins to develop.


Treating Tooth Decay With Natural-Looking Fillings


Maple Grove, MN dentist offers fillings to restore tooth after cavity

If you have a cavity, you are not alone. It is estimated that around half of all US adults have had cavities at least once in their lifetime. Although this is a common problem, it is important to treat it when detected to avoid more severe problems. At Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, we offer composite resin fillings to repair the area after decay and maintain your appearance.


Trouble Sleeping? Your Dentist May Be Able To Help

Maple Grove, MN dentist can help treat sleep apnea and snoring

Did you know that the quality of your rest can affect your health? It is not just the number of hours you get at night, but the standard of it as well. If you frequently snore, you may be waking up periodically throughout your slumber. This can cause you to feel tired in the morning, which can cause other negative side effects. Today, your Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, discusses how they can help you treat snoring problems.
