Category: Preventive Dentistry

Fact Versus Fiction: About Your Brushing

If we were to quiz you over your brushing habits and how they relate to your oral health, do you think you would pass with flying colors? Would you be able to tell us about the subtle details that separate “okay” brushing from exceptional brushing? When you feel uncertain about dental hygiene, you may end… Read more »

Q&A: Biting Your Fingernails

Are you a nail biter? Do you tend to hide your hands when you’re around others because you nibble on your nails chronically? While it’s certainly something that can cause your hands to look less attractive than you would prefer, did you know it might negatively affect your health, as well? In fact, chewing on… Read more »

Are You Pregnant? Consider Some Dental Care Suggestions!

When you find out that you’re pregnant, you might be prepared for a lot of things. However, figuring out what to do with your dental care might not be one of them! If you’re unsure about how to proceed, we would like to share some relieving information: You’re pretty much going to be doing what… Read more »

Dental Care: 2 Things You Should Not Do

For the most part, patients have a clear idea about what they should and should not do for their smiles. You should brush and floss, you should come in for visits, you should ask us dental hygiene questions. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar, you shouldn’t go to bed without brushing your teeth, and you… Read more »

Sleep Apnea: Check In On Your Sleep

Have you never ever heard of sleep apnea? If so, then you have no idea that your lack of energy throughout the day may mean you require sleep apnea treatment. Let’s back up here: The sleep disorder we are discussing is a problem that causes your throat muscles to over relax, followed by the collapse of your throat… Read more »

5 Ways To Avoid Decay

Do you have some strong feelings about decay? Do you experience these feelings because you know that tooth decay is something you can easily avoid if only you make the most of your opportunity for practicing preventive care? Good news: You’re onto something! As long as you’re updated on the basics, keeping cavities from forming is… Read more »

Gingivitis: Quiz Yourself

It’s not a surprising moment when we speak with a patient who knows a lot about tooth decay and all things cavity-related but who knows next to nothing about gingivitis. Do you know much about gum disease? Even if you don’t feel very educated yet, don’t worry, it’s something that we can quickly tell you… Read more »

Are You At Risk For Oral Cancer?

The unfortunate truth is that anyone can develop oral cancer. It is one of the most common forms of skin cancer. Another unfortunate truth is that one person dies of oral cancer every hour of every day. Oral cancers are included within the group of head and neck cancers, and comprise of close to 85… Read more »

Why Teeth Need Cleaning

One of the first habits we’re taught as children is how to properly, and consistently, brush and floss our teeth to prevent dental issues from forming. However, as adults, time and life may have diluted the importance of keeping your teeth clean, until you develop a toothache or your dentist tells you that your teeth… Read more »

Quiz: The Truth About Cavities

Do you assume that a cavity is just something that happens if you don’t brush and floss correctly? While it’s true that avoiding good dental hygiene can certainly lead to tooth decay, the development of decay is a bit more multi-faceted. This is why some people who seem to miss brushing quite often never develop cavities… Read more »