Category: Preventive Dentistry

How Do I Avoid Problems With Bruxism?

Individuals who struggle with bruxism can have a hard time controlling their teeth grinding habit at an important time – while they are asleep. Unconsciously clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth can lead to problems with pain, stiffness, and sensitivity in your jaw joints and muscles. It can also lead to alarming dental damage!… Read more »

Dental Exams Protect Your Teeth And Gums

Are you currently doing enough to keep yourself safe against threats like tooth decay and gum disease, or could you benefit from a better approach to preventive care? When you think about what makes an approach to oral hygiene “right” for you, remember that you should count on more than just your own daily habits… Read more »

3 Things You Can Look Forward To At A Dental Exam

What kind of care will you receive at your next routine dental exam? Routine dental appointments provide several benefits, and give you important overall support so that your smile remains healthy. These appointments focus on more than just cavity prevention and detection, though this is certainly important. At our Maple Grove, MN dental office, we… Read more »

Why Am I Grinding And Clenching My Jaw While I Sleep?

If you keep waking up with sore and sensitive teeth, or feelings of stiffness and pain in your jaw, it can be because you are unconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth as you sleep. People who experience this issue, known as bruxism, have to worry about more than just an uncomfortable start to their day,… Read more »

How Scheduled Teeth Cleanings Keep Your Smile In Good Health

Are you doing a good job keeping your smile clean? When you think about your commitment to oral hygiene, you should consider more than just how effective your brushing and flossing routine might be. Good habits are certainly important, but you should also take advantage of the preventive services provided during routine dental exams. At… Read more »

3 Tips To Help You Keep Your Smile Free Of Cavities

Is your current oral hygiene routine going to keep you completely free of cavities? When tooth decay becomes a problem, it makes treatment from your dentist necessary, as the damage done by a cavity is permanent. To avoid dental decay, you should have a daily routine in place that focuses on both cleaning your smile… Read more »

Growing Concerned About TMJ Disorder? Tell Your Dentist!

Do your jaw joints frequently make popping or clicking noises when you speak or eat? Has chronic pain and stiffness started to affect your jaw and face? These issues can be common among people with TMJ disorder. Unfortunately, they are not the only problems you face if this affects you! In addition to having difficulty… Read more »

When Should I Schedule My Next Routine Dental Exam?

How long is a person really supposed to go between dental exams? Under normal circumstances, you should go in for a dental checkup every six months. When you commit to this interval, you can ensure that your smile is regularly being checked for signs of dental decay, and that you are receiving thorough teeth cleanings… Read more »

Identifying Symptoms Of Nighttime Teeth Grinding

If you frequently wake up feeling pain in your face and jaw, or notice that your teeth are starting to look flat or worn, you should look into treatment for nighttime teeth grinding issues. Patients with this problem, bruxism, can experience worsening symptoms over time if they do not address it. The pressure you place… Read more »

How Long Should You Go Between Dental Checkups?

Is a dental checkup something you need to schedule even when your teeth feel fine, or can you put off an appointment until you suspect that something is actually wrong with your oral health? When patients decide they only have to see their dentist for active concerns, they make themselves vulnerable to problems because they… Read more »