Drugstores are constantly updating the oral and dental health products they offer according to what is popular. While many of these products are just updates to old favorites, like toothbrushes with rubber parts on the back to clean your tongue, electric toothbrushes, and pre-measured floss, there is one tool you may not be as familiar with: the tongue scraper. In today’s blog, your Maple Grove, MN, dentist will discuss the potential benefits and dangers of tongue scraping so that you can decide for yourself if it is something you want to add to your oral health routine.
Celebrate Healthy Smiles During Children’s Dental Health Month
Even though February, which is National Children’s Dental Health Month, is almost over, it is always important to remember your child’s dental health. At Elm Creek Dental, we want little smiles to be healthy, and, while we can help keep them healthy in our office, it is important that you help them at home, too. In today’s blog, your Maple Grove, MN, family dentist will share advice for helping keep little smiles healthy at home, and information about how we can help in our office.
Brush Your Teeth Better With These Easy Tips
When we are children, we learn our oral health routine by being taught and watching our guardians. As we then grow up and become adults, we don’t often seek out ways to improve the habits that we have created throughout our lives. However, when it comes to your dental hygiene, there are always ways to take better care of your teeth in between your regular exams and cleanings. In today’s blog, your Maple Grove, MN, dentist will share some advice for brushing your teeth more effectively to fight against the cavities and other issues that could lead to the need for restorative care in the future.
Tips For Good Oral Hygiene When You’re Sick
Whether it’s because of the flu, a cold, or bad allergies, most people will end up feeling sick before winter is over. And, at Elm Creek Dental, we understand how difficult it can be to remember to take care of your teeth when you’re resting and caring for your symptoms. However, it is imperative that you don’t let your oral hygiene falter in times of illness. In today’s blog, your Maple Grove, MN, dentist will give some tips for easy and achievable smile care when you may not be up for doing much.
Wanting A Valentine’s Day Smile Makeover?
This Valentine’s Day, we at Elm Creek Dental think that you should treat yourself to the smile of your dreams. We believe that everyone’s smile should be something that they can be proud of, and we have the procedures available in our office to help any smile reach its healthiest, fullest, most beautiful potential. So, whether you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with family, a loved one, friends, or by taking some hard-earned time for yourself, consider giving yourself a smile makeover, courtesy of your Maple Grove, MN, dentist. In today’s blog, we will discuss the restorative and cosmetic treatments that we offer to improve your smile.
Missing Teeth Weaken Your Jawbone
The negatives associated with tooth loss are overwhelming. The experience of losing a tooth, or having a tooth become so damaged that it needs to be extracted, is exhausting and painful. Tooth loss can cause you to feel self conscious about your smile, and it almost always necessitates dietary changes. An often overlooked negative associated with tooth loss is the potential for jawbone damage. Your jawbone relies on the stimulation of your teeth to stay strong and vital. If you are missing teeth and the stimulation they provide, your jawbone may begin to weaken and lose mass over time. (more…)
A Brighter Tomorrow for Your Teeth
Minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry treatment can have a huge, positive impact on the appearance of your smile. In many patient cases, it doesn’t take some elaborate procedure to improve the esthetics of your teeth. In fact, it may just be a matter of removing stains from your teeth. Teeth whitening treatment is gentle and non-invasive. With a short in-office session, or a take-home kit, many patients can drastically brighten the appearance of their smile. If you’re looking to create a brighter tomorrow for your teeth, it’s time to explore teeth whitening options. (more…)
Dental Crowns Save Teeth on the Brink
During the course of your regular dentist appointments, your dentist may notice a small oral health problem developing. Maybe it’s a little cavity in the surface of your tooth. Maybe it’s a swollen gum line that could use some flossing. These issues are relatively minor and can be addressed with quick in-office treatment and at-home care. Then there are some oral health issues that are much more significant. Cracked or chipped teeth; serious cavities and infected root canals can put your teeth in jeopardy of being lost for good. If you have teeth that are on the brink, a dental crown may be able to save them. (more…)
Orthodontic Treatment Doesn’t Have to Mean Braces
There are very few patients who enjoy having braces. Most braces options aren’t exactly discreet, which means you have to deal with them showing up in photos for the length of the treatment — which can be up to two years. Then there’s the discomfort that comes with braces. The brackets and wires can cause you pain at different times throughout treatment, and of course, cleaning them is certainly a pain. While some cases of misalignment definitely need braces, there are other cases that can be corrected with a lower impact method. Invisible aligners are orthodontic treatment options that comes with less hassle than braces. (more…)
How Do Your Children Handle the Dentist?
Certain dental office experiences can feel intimidating and clinical, especially for younger patients. The wrong care environment can lead patients to feel uncomfortable and nervous about attending future appointments. This can have a detrimental effect in the long-term for children. A bad experience as a child may lead them to become a reticent patient as an adult. That may mean missed appointments and compounding oral health issues in the future. How do your children handle the dentist? The right care environment can make a huge difference. (more…)