Have you noticed that your teeth look a bit yellow or discolored? This can happen due to the foods and drinks we consume every day. While this is a normal occurrence, it can cause you to feel self-conscious and avoid showing off your pearly whites in pictures. Your team at Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, offers treatments that can help remove stains and make your smile brighter.
Avoid Store Bought Whitening Kits
When your teeth start to look yellow, you may be tempted to pick up over-the-counter whitening products like brightening strips or toothpaste. These products can seem convenient and cost-effective, but unfortunately, they can cause more harm than good. The ingredients in many of these products may be too harsh on your pearly whites, which can make them less effective. Additionally, brightening strips and toothpastes are not customized to your needs, and they may not be able to remove stubborn stains that have built up on your enamel. These OTC products may also lead to tooth sensitivity, enamel damage, and more. Before trying any of these options, make sure to talk to your dentist first.
Our Take Home Treatment Is Safe & Convenient
We understand that having a bright smile can help you feel more confident. Our take home teeth-whitening kit can help you safely remove discoloration at home. First, you will need a consultation with your dentist to examine your smile and approve you for this cosmetic treatment. As long as your pearly whites are healthy and no other concerns are apparent, you may be approved for this treatment. We will create a custom bleaching kit that includes a custom tray that fits over your teeth, and a bleaching agent to help remove stains. You will apply these every day for about 10 days to help gently remove the stains.
In some cases, a whitening treatment may not be able to remove the stains on your teeth. This can be due to intrinsic stains that are below your enamel and cannot be reached with the bleaching agent. Instead of attempting to remove these stains, we can instead conceal them with cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers.
Maintain Your Results With Good Oral Hygiene
A professional teeth whitening treatment can last more than six months with proper care. After having your pearly whites brightening, make sure to continue following a consistent oral hygiene routine. As a general rule, you should brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist biannually. You may also want to limit items that stain, such as coffee, tea, sodas, candy, and foods high in acidity.
Talk To Our Team About Cosmetic Treatments!
A professional teeth whitening treatment can help you feel more confident this holiday season. Schedule an appointment with Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, today at 763-416-0606.