Did you know that snoring is not actually a sign of good sleep? Many people think that these loud snoozes mean you have reached a point of deep rest. In reality, these loud breathing sounds made when you catch some shut eye could be a sign of a serious sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This disorder causes patients to periodically stop breathing at night, which can be harmful for your physical, mental, and oral health. Your team at Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, may be able to help diagnose the issue and find a helpful treatment.
Is It Snoring Or Something More?
Loud, frequent snoring is a common indicator of OSA. However, it’s important to note that snoring does not always mean you have a sleep disorder. In some cases, patients may have blocked airways when they breath because of poor nighttime habits, congestion, laying on your side, and more. You may be able to help relieve this problem by limiting alcohol before bed, staying hydrated, and changing the position you sleep in. If these solutions don’t seem to help, then your snoring problem could be a sign of OSA. If your spouse or family members complain that you snooze loudly, gasp for air, or wake them up while you sleep, you should talk to your dentist for a diagnosis.
Talk To Your Dentist About Your Symptoms
How can a dentist help treat sleep apnea? They will first perform a thorough examination of your mouth and throat to look for any swelling or airway blockage. They may also ask you questions about your bedtime habits, if your smoke or drink alcohol, and other health history questions. After this examination, they can make a diagnosis of the condition. Treatment for OSA can include a CPAP machine, which helps maintain the flow of oxygen, or a custom made oral appliance which keeps your airways open at night. A custom oral appliance is made to fit your smile precisely and is often found to be more comfortable and convenient than a CPAP.
What About TMJ And Bruxism?
An oral appliance may also be able to help patients who experience TMJ dysfunction and bruxism. TMD happens when your jaw joints are not properly balanced, which can cause tension and discomfort. This imbalance may be linked to sleep apnea and bruxism because it can lead to a blocked airway. Bruxism is a condition that causes patients to chronically grind their teeth. Many patients with OSA may also experience bruxism, though it may not directly cause the condition. Your dentist may be able to help you diagnose and treat these conditions with an oral appliance.
Schedule An Appointment With Us
We can help you catch better Zs at night by treating your sleep disorder. To learn more about your options, call Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, at (763) 416-0606.