You are living in a time when you have the option to make just about any change you can dream up for your smile. Want your smile to look whiter? No problem. Unhappy about chips, small cracks, or spaces between teeth? No problem! While one pathway certainly includes a combination treatment plan that will make use of multiple procedures to arrive at your goal, you might want to consider veneers if you desire several changes. Allow us to explain a bit more about the advantages of porcelain veneers and why they might be your best choice.
They Can Do It All
You can often address all of the changes on your list of esthetic concerns by simply selecting porcelain veneers. Here’s why: They don’t target individual issues the way other cosmetic treatments do. For instance, whitening removes stains, while bonding can fix a chip. Veneers, however, provide physical coverage to the part of your teeth that face outward. As a result, you can completely customize these ultra-slim casings to your liking. Change the size, shape, width, color, texture, and uniformity of your teeth all at once.
They’re Convenient
You might think to yourself that sure, you don’t want multiple treatments, but you assume choosing porcelain veneers is going to turn into a complex, time-consuming experience. Fortunately, this is not the case. From start to finish, you can expect a completed process within just two or three appointments. We will collect the data (take impressions), have your veneers custom made, and then place them. A smile makeover is truly that within reach.