Yes, brushing is absolutely essential for your smile if you wish to prevent tooth decay. However, it’s not the only essential on the block when we’re talking about dental hygiene. Its companion, of course, is flossing! Skip your flossing that you should be doing daily and you can most certainly expect to end up with cavities between your teeth.
You might tell yourself sometimes that you’ll just do better tomorrow. However, you can’t trick your teeth! For instance, maybe you drink some juice, fall asleep without brushing, and then the next day scramble to take excellent care of your smile. Unfortunately, these types of slip-ups will affect your smile no matter what. So, keep up with care to prevent tooth decay.
Yep, you might have the best of intentions when it comes to your smile. However, even if you provide yourself with the best prevention ever, you’ll still need professional cleanings because the only place you’ll receive tartar removal (tartar increases your chance of decay) is with us.
Remember to come in to see us twice a year for your cleanings that will promote clean, healthy teeth free of decay. To learn more about caring for your smile, schedule a visit in Maple Grove, MN by calling Elm Creek Dental today at (763) 416-0606. We proudly service the residents of Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park, Rogers, Elk River, Osseo, Otsego, Plymouth, Wayzata, and surrounding communities.
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