Dental Implants: Improving Your Smile and Confidence

9 years ago

If you have lost a tooth or teeth recently, then chances are you may be feeling a range of emotions,…

Bonding and Contouring Your Way to a Better Smile

9 years ago

Chips and cracks in teeth can cause a person to be self-conscious. Jagged edges or visible wear can also create…

Could Bruxism Be Affecting You?

9 years ago

Bruxism is another name for chronic tooth grinding. Since this condition often happens during sleep, people with bruxism may not…

Keeping Gum Disease In Check

9 years ago

When people think “healthy smile” they often think of strong teeth. Your gums are an equally vital part of a…

Are Invisalign® Clear Braces Right for You?

9 years ago

Invisalign® invisible braces are a series of custom fitted aligners worn in a prescribed order for precise amount of time. Each…

Thoughts on Professional Tooth Whitening

9 years ago

When a smile starts to dim, some people may try to revive it with whitening strips from the drug store,…

5 Restorative Treatments to Improve Smiles

9 years ago

What happens when you chip a tooth? What if your tooth develops a cavity or possibly a dental infection/abscess? In…

Quiz: What is Sedation Dentistry?

9 years ago

Do you feel anxious about seeing the dentist? If so, you may be one of the estimate 8-10% of the…

FAQs: What is Sleep Apnea?

9 years ago

Estimates reveal that over ten million people in the United States suffer from a serious sleep disorder. What is sleep…

Eating Better for Dental Health

9 years ago

Everything that you eat will be absorbed by your body, and used as efficiently as possible. Eating foods that are…