When dental injuries occur, they can call for treatment on short notice. Without that care, you can experience significant discomfort, and you may do damage to your tooth structure. Going without treatment can also put you at risk for losing your tooth if there are internal damages to address.
When you arrive for your emergency procedure, your dentist can carefully look over the tooth and find a lasting solution for your injury. Teeth are not able to naturally heal themselves when chips or cracks form, so a permanent dental restoration can be called for. We offer dental crowns made with different materials, the goal being to provide the right restoration for your circumstances. If an injury affects a tooth that is difficult to see, we can recommend a metal or porcelain fused to metal crown; both options are strong enough to handle the biting pressures placed on molars and premolars. An injury that is in a more prominent location can be addressed with a porcelain or zirconia crown – both can be made to imitate the color and texture of a tooth.
Tooth injuries can lead to internal damage or infection. In these situations, the health of that tooth can gradually worsen, and cause you considerable discomfort. To address this, our practice can provide a root canal procedure. Root canals are often thought of as a “cavity treatment,” and while they are frequently provided to address decay, this is not their only purpose. By providing root canal treatment, we can make sure any internal problems stemming from damage can be addressed before you have further complications.
Our Maple Grove, MN dentist’s office is prepared to help our patients when they need emergency dental services. If you find yourself in need of urgent treatment for a problem, you can call Elm Creek Dental at 763-416-0606.
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