Modern dentistry provides all kinds of painless, affordable options for improving the quality of your smile. Determining which treatment you need is simply a matter of your own personal situation.
Porcelain veneers are great for covering up small instances of misalignment, misshapenness, and discoloration. They involve bonding dental porcelain to the front of your existing teeth, so this procedure is non-invasive.
Dental bonding and contouring can help with awkward gaps, small chips, and misshappenness. Bonding is the practice of using dental resin to fill in gaps or grooves in the tooth. Contouring involves lightly shaping your tooth enamel to create a more symmetrical appearance.
Teeth whitening is obviously all about improving the color of your teeth. With take-home kit options, you can often perform this cosmetic treatment on your own timetable.
Invisible aligners provide you with the alignment benefits of braces, without the hassle of wires and brackets.
Your dentist is the ultimate expert, and your partner in creating the perfect smile. By speaking with your dentist about your personal needs and budget, you can come up with the ideal treatment plan that works for you. Every smile is different, and cosmetic dentistry is there to offer improvements on what you already have.
Dr. Carter and the Elm Creek staff provide a full range of cosmetic services including whitening, aligners, bonding and contouring, and veneers. If you’d like to give your mouth a little makeover, it’s time to talk to Elm Creek about your options. You deserve to love your smile! To make a cosmetic appointment or consultation, contact Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN at 763-416-0606.
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