When you experience dental discomfort that affects your bite function, or interferes with your quality of life, you should be concerned. While regular dental exams can keep you informed about your oral health, leading to timely care, a visit on short notice can be appropriate. In fact, acting quickly when you have a persistent or painful toothache can lead to treatment before complications make it more difficult to keep your tooth!
Chronic jaw pain and stiffness, headaches, teeth grinding, and general discomfort in your face, neck, and shoulders can all suggest that you have TMJ disorder issues. When this problem is recognized, you can start treatment to ease the tension created by poor joint alignment and movement. A custom oral appliance is capable of correcting the resting position of your jaw so that you can feel comfortable again, and so that you can maintain a bite movement that is less stressful on your joints and muscles.
Tooth pain can be a warning that your tooth is infected, or that you have suffered an internal injury after physical trauma. If the pain is serious or persists over several days, we can work to see you on short notice. Our patients do have access to emergency dental work, so they can enjoy treatment before the health of the tooth worsens. To address internal problems, we can provide root canal therapy to deal with bacteria and tissue damage before we provide support with a dental crown.
When dental discomfort becomes an active concern, it can be hard to ignore, and hard to shake worries about serious oral health troubles. At our Maple Grove, MN dentist’s office, we can provide important services to address the causes of pain, sensitivity, and limited movement. To find out what is causing you discomfort, or to discuss any other matter related to your oral health, reach out to Elm Creek Dental in Maple Grove, MN, today at 763-416-0606.
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