If you’re unfamiliar, a dental bridge is composed of “pontics,” which are replacement teeth that look and feel like your original teeth. These pontics are bookended by dental crowns, which are fixed atop abutment teeth. That means this prosthetic utilizes the structure of your healthy teeth to set replacement teeth in place. Before crafting your dental bridge, your dentist will take precise measurements of your mouth to ensure that the new teeth fit comfortably.
Dental bridges are great because they allow you to replace a sequence of missing teeth. Often times, if you suffer an accident, it may not be just one tooth that receives the brunt of the damage. If you end up losing several teeth, a dental bridge can replace them all with one prosthetic. If your tooth loss is very extensive, your dentist may recommend dentures. It’s always best to consult with a professional on how best to replace your teeth.
The important thing to remember is that you’re not alone when you suffer tooth loss — you’ve got a team of professionals ready to help. Dr. Carter and the Elm Creek staff can provide you with a dental prosthetic that restores your smile and ability to chew comfortably. To make an appointment with Elm Creek Dental, contact the office in Baxter, MN at 763-416-0606.
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